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First Steps to Becoming a Professional Model

Writer's picture: Jossalyn ToriJossalyn Tori

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Let's talk about the first steps to becoming a model!

Since this is such a difficult topic to approach in one go, I'll be breaking down bits and pieces of it to help sculpt your modeling career. In this article, we'll take a look at your first basic steps to becoming a model.

From the beginning until now I've grown as a model and so can you! It's never too late.

The Reason:

The first and most important step to a long-term relationship with modeling is to find your reason and make it a strong one. Why do you want to become a model? Make it reasonable otherwise, you'll be disappointed if or when it doesn't happen.

Unrealistic goal examples:

"I want to be famous."

"I want to work for expensive brands only."

"I want many followers."

"I want tons of jobs and lots of money. Make me rich!"

While some of these may happen after years of toiling over them, most likely, you'll burn out and quit long before you get there just from disappointment alone of inconsistency of jobs, slow growing popularity, and many rejections. Modeling is an unstable career affected by an industry that constantly changes. If you create a strong reason for why you want to be a model it'll help you get through the obstacles that all models face. So what's my reason to be a lifelong model?

I pursue modeling so that those who want to creatively express their art can do so by using my skills as a model. I do it for the artists, for the excitement of the transformations they can create by shaping me like a piece of clay. To see their happiness in the success of their project is what keeps me going through with both the big jobs and the smaller ones. It's not about brands, but about the expression of art. To me this is what a model exists for. We are a blank canvas to be painted on and I love every minute of it.

Your strong reason doesn't have to be complicated like perhaps mine has become, but as long as you believe in it then all you can do is try your best to obtain it. Modeling requires great patience and stamina to keep it alive and with an understanding that it won't turn out as you planned will help you keep going. Now that you've determined your reason let's set some goals to support and help it grow.

Realistic Goals:

As with everything else in life, goals are what help keep you motivated and moving forward in your career, including modeling. Setting realistic goals that are obtainable (both large and small) is a great way to build your confidence in modeling. Some basic goal examples can be starting a social media platform, getting a few digitals taken, arrange your first photoshoot. While larger goals can be a little more hopeful such as booking your first audition or job, getting into an agency (if you don't want to do freelance), etc. The key is to not get overwhelmed by famous model's careers and try to be like them because even they struggle to book jobs. Modeling is all about luck, being discovered, talent, and just being there at the right time. Everything else will have to be earned through building your career from the ground up and making connections. Once you've set a few confidence building goals (and these will change as you go!) let's move on to the next important step.

Safety First!

This is above all else the most important thing to address and I can't stress it enough. The world is dangerous and although we shouldn't live under a rock in fear of it, we should be smart, do our research, and be aware of our safety throughout the entirety of every encounter in modeling no matter where you are. So first things first, construct your social media as a business and not a personal account. Anything you or others post is open to the public including hints of where you are through background, reflections, on paper, car license plates, people you're with, location tags, etc. You get the point. Best to keep your personal life separate from business on social media and I'm not talking about the occasional selfie but more about personal information. Stalkers and illegal trafficking exist everywhere. You'll be arranging meetings and jobs with strangers, taking a risk by entering an environment you know nothing about, contacting people you've never heard of and so much more! Being a model is dangerous because of these things so it's always good to be alert at all times and because this is such a passionate issue for me to address, I'll be writing another article in greater detail to go over the steps you can take to be safe including media, especially when arranging photoshoots, and much more. Now that you have safety as a mental note for later let's move forward.

Choosing a Modeling Type(s):

There are infinite types of modeling. Probably the most familiar are runway models and commercial acting, but did you know there are so many other kinds? Just to list a few there are fitness, body parts, commercial acting, theatre, print and magazine, live event hosts, fitting model, hair demonstration model, influencers, and many more. Do some research about the different kinds and see if you'd fit into a category or a few categories. Don't be hard on yourself and self-criticize, now is the time to try out different ones that you might enjoy. There are rarely any limitations to model looks as long as you are healthy in body and mind and maintain a positive and professional attitude. If you don't fit into a category, then try for one that works for you. When I was first modeling, only a certain size was permitted to walk on runways, but recently things are beginning to change so reach out to those categories too. If you can't choose right away, not to worry, just explore the vast variety of modeling to later decide. Another way to help decide is by your skill set. Are you good with people and have a friendly personality? A live event model or brand ambassador might be your thing and acting too! Do you love working out at the gym and eat super healthy? A fitness model or youtuber. Naturally lanky and tall? Runways and print. Can you invoke emotions in an audience? How about theatre acting! They key take away with this one is to be aware that there are many kinds of modeling so if you want to be a model there is a place for you. Don't spend too long researching the different types of modeling because a lot of them aren't known online so easily Just browse and keep it in mind.

A Polite Personality is Everything:

So many rotten attitudes in today's society it makes me not want to leave the house let alone would a client want to work with that too. No one likes someone who is disrespectful and goes against the client's needs. Modeling is a job and just like any job a positive attitude and willing to take criticism with an open mind to further your career is a huge part of modeling. While in traditional auditions you can face some confidence crushing judgement that isn't fair at all, sadly you can't fix them, but you can fix yourself by leaving behind a good reputation and smile (doesn't mean you have to agree with their advice). Wherever you go, you'd be surprised at how many referrals you can get later on by a single good encounter. Being polite isn't just about giving a smile but so much more. You want to be flexible in the requests they make, but if something isn't possible, please politely tell them. For me, I'm terrified of heights. Jumping down from a tall wooden box is a no go for me especially in heels. I can't swim well and can't go underwater. Poses that are in this range I usually tell the client beforehand. Anything and I mean anything that makes you uncomfortable on a photoshoot (especially in a sexual way) you have full rights to say no. Clothes stay on if you want. Legs stay sealed shut or shorts put on under short skirts, in the end it's your body and you have the final say. I will later write an article on model etiquette so don't fret about how to be "polite" in the modeling world just yet. As long as your personality is friendly and non-confrontational when not necessary, the rest can easily be learned.

We've only just begun on your model journey so to wrap up today's points and summarize in case you got lost in my words (sorry for the ramble). Here is a very brief explanation and some simple steps to follow. I hope these little building blocks can help get you started in the right direction. Below is a small to do list before we move on to further developing your career.

The goal of today's article is to do the following:

  • Find your reason to model and make it one that will last.

  • Set realistic goals both small and large (larger ones can be more hopeful and less logical)

  • Always have safety in mind when pursing your modeling career

  • Research and think about what kind of modeling you'd like to try and know that there is a modeling type(s) you will thrive in!

  • Polish your personality or keep it in check at all times when conducting modeling business including social messaging and in person meet ups.

And lastly! Don't forget to subscribe for the latest articles so you don't miss out. Also, give this a like so that others can discover it as well. Commenting and questions, always welcomed :)

Photo Credits: Photo left: Creator Ashli Nelson Photo right: Kagayoi jewelry

New design from Hanamonyo collection

Photographer: @masatoshiyamashiro

Makeup: @nozaking42


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